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Enhance healing with counseling and bereavement support.
How does counseling affect healing?
Counseling is a type of talk therapy that addresses psychological or emotional issues by walking the path of discovery with a trained, neutral party. As we learn more about the role of mind and body in healing, studies show that looking at these issues separately doesn't offer long-term healing success. Counseling is not advice nor is it an educational process requiring homework. With Counseling, you and the therapist embark on a journey to find out what isn't working in your life; it offers a safe place for exploration.
How does bereavement support affect healing?
For those who have lost a loved one, there is no single way of grieving. Bereavement support must be tailored to individual needs. Some people find it difficult to discuss death at all and just need someone outside their circle of family and friends to talk to. Others need support to recover after a period of intense mourning. Dynamic Touch Healing Arts Center can offer the safe, comfortable environment needed to deal with your loss and go on with life.
What are the benefits of working with a counselor?
You aren't alone in looking at and dealing with your issues.
You can rely on someone who can see the behavior patterns and assumptions you may not see and point them out to you without judgement.
You can talk to a trained, neutral person who understands boundaries and won't give advice.
How do I find a good practitioner?
Ask your friends for referrals.
Call a therapist and talk with them on the phone for a few minutes to get a feel for their personality and approach.
Ask them if they've treated others for any specific issues you've identified that you want to address.
Beware of those offering a free, initial session; experienced and successful practitioners typically do not use this marketing tactic.
Healing Affects
Finding a Therapist
Where can I go to learn more?
Web Sites:
About Psychotherapy
How to Find Help for Life's Problems
by the APA
Counseling for Loss and Life Changes
Frequently Asked Questions About Grief & Loss
Good Grief Rituals
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